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500 个结果
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  • 简介:摘要:目前,临床老年医学培训尚未广泛纳入临床课程。包括所需的老年医学轮换,将老年医学纳入所需的业务,选修课。 老年医学显然可以在许多环境中教授,但必须是必需的经验。 改善对老年人照料态度的技术需要进一步发展和评估。

  • 标签: 老年医学的临床经验教育模式
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  • 简介:【摘要】目的  本文我们探讨了老年口腔患者临床治疗效果。方法  选取2016年8月~2017年5月由徐州六院和徐州医科大学附属医院口腔科共同收治的90例老年口腔患者,将所有患者平均分为两组,实验组以及对照组。其中我们对两组患者分别采取不同的治疗方法,并观察他们的治疗效果,其中在对照组的患者采用的是传统的常规治疗,而实验组的患者在此基础上采取义齿修复的方法进行治疗。结果  观察两组患者在义齿修复情况上并没有明显差异,不具有统计学意义。同时我们发现实验组的患者食物嵌塞概率为2.2%,而对照组的患者食物嵌塞概率为15.6%。两种数据具有明显的统计学差异。结论  针对老年口腔修复患者采取修复义齿的方法,在具体的治疗过程中,应当尽量避免和颞下颌关节病以及食物嵌塞,由于患者年龄比较大,因此需要注重患者咬合重建,并根据患者的实际情况及时采取针对性的治疗措施,并能够有效提升临床治疗效果。

  • 标签: 老年 口腔修复 患者 临床
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  • 简介:摘要:肺癌是一种恶性肿瘤,不仅有着较高的发病率,还有着较高的死亡率。年龄因素对肺癌来说是一种至关重要的影响因素,年龄既影响肺癌发病率,也影响肺癌的治疗过程。青年肺癌和老年肺癌在多个方面有着不同之处,本文分析了青年肺癌、老年肺癌在流行病学、临床特征、诊断、治疗方面的不同。

  • 标签: 青年肺癌 老年肺癌 吸烟因素 支气管炎
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  • 简介:  【摘要】目的 探讨并分析对老年高血压合并急性心梗患者实施综合护理干预的效果。方法 此次研究的对象是选择 2017年 1月~ 2019年 12月在本院接受治疗的老年高血压合并急性心梗患者 84例,将其临床资料进行回顾性分析,并随机平均分成两组,对照组 42例接受常规护理干预,观察组 42例接受综合护理干预,比较效果。结果 观察组住院时间为( 13.56±4.12)天,并发症发生率为 7.14%,对照组分别为( 21.58±5.19)天、 19.05%。结论 综合护理干预能够更明显改善老年高血压合并急性心梗患者的预后,值得进行广泛应用。    【关键词】老年高血压;急性心梗;综合护理干预;预后  [Abstract] Objective To explore and analyze the effect of comprehensive nursing intervention on elderly patients with hypertension and acute myocardial infarction. Methods 84 elderly patients with hypertension and acute myocardial infarction who were treated in our hospital from January 2017 to December 2019 were selected for this study. The clinical data were analyzed retrospectively and randomly divided into two groups, 42 cases in the control group received routine nursing intervention, 42 cases in the observation group received comprehensive nursing intervention, and the results were compared. Results the hospitalization time of the observation group was (13.56 ± 4.12) days, the incidence of complications was 7.14%, and that of the control group was (21.58 ± 5.19) days and 19.05%, respectively. Conclusion comprehensive nursing intervention can significantly improve the prognosis of elderly patients with hypertension and acute myocardial infarction, which is worth to be widely used.

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  • 简介:  【摘要】目的 探讨并分析对老年高血压合并急性心梗患者实施综合护理干预的效果。方法 此次研究的对象是选择 2017年 1月~ 2019年 12月在本院接受治疗的老年高血压合并急性心梗患者 84例,将其临床资料进行回顾性分析,并随机平均分成两组,对照组 42例接受常规护理干预,观察组 42例接受综合护理干预,比较效果。结果 观察组住院时间为( 13.56±4.12)天,并发症发生率为 7.14%,对照组分别为( 21.58±5.19)天、 19.05%。结论 综合护理干预能够更明显改善老年高血压合并急性心梗患者的预后,值得进行广泛应用。    【关键词】老年高血压;急性心梗;综合护理干预;预后  [Abstract] Objective To explore and analyze the effect of comprehensive nursing intervention on elderly patients with hypertension and acute myocardial infarction. Methods 84 elderly patients with hypertension and acute myocardial infarction who were treated in our hospital from January 2017 to December 2019 were selected for this study. The clinical data were analyzed retrospectively and randomly divided into two groups, 42 cases in the control group received routine nursing intervention, 42 cases in the observation group received comprehensive nursing intervention, and the results were compared. Results the hospitalization time of the observation group was (13.56 ± 4.12) days, the incidence of complications was 7.14%, and that of the control group was (21.58 ± 5.19) days and 19.05%, respectively. Conclusion comprehensive nursing intervention can significantly improve the prognosis of elderly patients with hypertension and acute myocardial infarction, which is worth to be widely used.

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  • 简介:  【摘要】目的 探讨并分析对老年高血压合并急性心梗患者实施综合护理干预的效果。方法 此次研究的对象是选择 2017年 1月~ 2019年 12月在本院接受治疗的老年高血压合并急性心梗患者 84例,将其临床资料进行回顾性分析,并随机平均分成两组,对照组 42例接受常规护理干预,观察组 42例接受综合护理干预,比较效果。结果 观察组住院时间为( 13.56±4.12)天,并发症发生率为 7.14%,对照组分别为( 21.58±5.19)天、 19.05%。结论 综合护理干预能够更明显改善老年高血压合并急性心梗患者的预后,值得进行广泛应用。    【关键词】老年高血压;急性心梗;综合护理干预;预后    [Abstract] Objective To explore and analyze the effect of comprehensive nursing intervention on elderly patients with hypertension and acute myocardial infarction. Methods 84 elderly patients with hypertension and acute myocardial infarction who were treated in our hospital from January 2017 to December 2019 were selected for this study. The clinical data were analyzed retrospectively and randomly divided into two groups, 42 cases in the control group received routine nursing intervention, 42 cases in the observation group received comprehensive nursing intervention, and the results were compared. Results the hospitalization time of the observation group was (13.56 ± 4.12) days, the incidence of complications was 7.14%, and that of the control group was (21.58 ± 5.19) days and 19.05%, respectively. Conclusion comprehensive nursing intervention can significantly improve the prognosis of elderly patients with hypertension and acute myocardial infarction, which is worth to be widely used.

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  • 简介:摘要目的研究老年营养风险指数(GNRI)与接受根治性放疗或放化疗的老年食管癌患者预后间的关系。方法回顾性分析河北医科大学第四医院2007年1月至2013年12月197例接受根治性放疗或放化疗且年龄≥75岁的食管鳞癌患者的临床资料,计算患者放疗前后老年营养风险指数(GNRI)、体质量指数(BMI)并进行分组。Kaplan-Meier法对生存时间行单因素预后分析,Cox回归模型行多因素预后分析。结果放疗前GNRI评分正常组139例,异常组58例,两组5年生存率及无进展生存率分别为11.08%、9.82%和8.73%、6.18%(P>0.05)。放疗后GNRI评分正常组68例,异常组129例,5年生存率及无进展生存率分别为17.04%、7.42%和16.17%、3.65%(χ2=12.316、14.617,P<0.05)。单因素分析显示,T分期、N分期、TNM分期、大体肿瘤体积(GTV)、放疗前中性粒细胞与淋巴细胞比值(NLR)及放疗后BMI、放疗后血红蛋白水平、放疗后GNRI与总生存时间(OS)相关(χ2=6.569~22.434,P<0.05);T分期、GTV、放疗前NLR及放疗后的BMI、放疗后血红蛋白水平、放疗后GNRI与无进展生存时间(PFS)相关(χ2=4.579~18.990,P<0.05)。多因素分析显示,T分期、N分期、放疗前NLR、放疗后血红蛋白水平、放疗后GNRI为患者OS的独立影响因素(P<0.05)。放疗前NLR、放疗后血红蛋白水平、放疗后GNRI为患者PFS的独立影响因素(P<0.05)。多因素分析显示,T分期、放疗后的血红蛋白水平、GNRI均为影响患者近期疗效的独立相关因素(χ2=4.716、13.083、4.519,P<0.05)。结论营养指标GNRI可作为老年食管鳞癌患者的有效预后指标。临床工作中对GNRI评分风险较高的老年患者可积极行营养干预以改善患者预后。

  • 标签: 食管鳞癌 老年营养风险指数 体质量指数 放疗 预后
  • 简介:  【摘要】目的 探讨并分析对老年高血压合并急性心梗患者实施综合护理干预的效果。方法 此次研究的对象是选择 2017年 1月~ 2019年 12月在本院接受治疗的老年高血压合并急性心梗患者 84例,将其临床资料进行回顾性分析,并随机平均分成两组,对照组 42例接受常规护理干预,观察组 42例接受综合护理干预,比较效果。结果 观察组住院时间为( 13.56±4.12)天,并发症发生率为 7.14%,对照组分别为( 21.58±5.19)天、 19.05%。结论 综合护理干预能够更明显改善老年高血压合并急性心梗患者的预后,值得进行广泛应用。    【关键词】老年高血压;急性心梗;综合护理干预;预后    [Abstract] Objective To explore and analyze the effect of comprehensive nursing intervention on elderly patients with hypertension and acute myocardial infarction. Methods 84 elderly patients with hypertension and acute myocardial infarction who were treated in our hospital from January 2017 to December 2019 were selected for this study. The clinical data were analyzed retrospectively and randomly divided into two groups, 42 cases in the control group received routine nursing intervention, 42 cases in the observation group received comprehensive nursing intervention, and the results were compared. Results the hospitalization time of the observation group was (13.56 ± 4.12) days, the incidence of complications was 7.14%, and that of the control group was (21.58 ± 5.19) days and 19.05%, respectively. Conclusion comprehensive nursing intervention can significantly improve the prognosis of elderly patients with hypertension and acute myocardial infarction, and it is worth to be widely used.

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  • 简介:  【摘要】目的 探讨并分析对老年高血压合并急性心梗患者实施综合护理干预的效果。方法 此次研究的对象是选择 2017年 1月~ 2019年 12月在本院接受治疗的老年高血压合并急性心梗患者 84例,将其临床资料进行回顾性分析,并随机平均分成两组,对照组 42例接受常规护理干预,观察组 42例接受综合护理干预,比较效果。结果 观察组住院时间为( 13.56±4.12)天,并发症发生率为 7.14%,对照组分别为( 21.58±5.19)天、 19.05%。结论 综合护理干预能够更明显改善老年高血压合并急性心梗患者的预后,值得进行广泛应用。    【关键词】老年高血压;急性心梗;综合护理干预;预后  [Abstract] Objective To explore and analyze the effect of comprehensive nursing intervention on elderly patients with hypertension and acute myocardial infarction. Methods 84 elderly patients with hypertension and acute myocardial infarction who were treated in our hospital from January 2017 to December 2019 were selected for this study. The clinical data were analyzed retrospectively and randomly divided into two groups, 42 cases in the control group received routine nursing intervention, 42 cases in the observation group received comprehensive nursing intervention, and the results were compared. Results the hospitalization time of the observation group was (13.56 ± 4.12) days, the incidence of complications was 7.14%, and that of the control group was (21.58 ± 5.19) days and 19.05%, respectively. Conclusion comprehensive nursing intervention can significantly improve the prognosis of elderly patients with hypertension and acute myocardial infarction, which is worth to be widely used.

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  • 简介:摘要目的对比分析正常视力中老年人及老年性黄斑变性(AMD)患者的阅读速度,分析影响两者阅读速度的相关因素。方法前瞻性临床对照研究。自清华大学第一附属医院周边社区征集以汉语为母语、初中以上文化程度、年龄≥45岁且<85岁、双眼BCVA≥0.6的正常视力中老年志愿者;自清华大学第一附属医院视觉康复门诊征集有视力下降或视物变形主诉、好眼BCVA≥0.05的AMD患者。测量受检者视功能,最佳矫正近视力状态下,应用中文阅读视力表测定阅读视力;国际阅读速度文本(IReST)中文版测定阅读速度。对比观察AMD患者与正常视力老年人的阅读速度。对阅读速度的相关因素进行单因素相关分析,并对有统计学意义的因素进一步使用多元线性回归分析。结果2016年1~4月共征集正常视力中老年人53名。其中,男性17名,女性36名;平均年龄(60.7±8.8)岁。平均阅读速度(244±55)字/min。正常视力中年人(45~59岁)、老年人(≥60岁)平均阅读速度分别为(267±53)、(227±51)字/min;两者阅读速度比较,差异有统计学意义(t=2.797,P=0.007)。单因素相关分析结果显示,正常视力中老年人阅读速度与年龄(r=-0.476,P=0.000)、性别(t=-2.291,P=0.031)、文化程度(t=2.656,P=0.011)、阅读习惯(t=7.346,P=0.000)、双眼最佳远视力(r=-0.293,P=0.033)、双眼最佳近视力(r=-0.460,P=0.001)、阅读视力(r=-0.558,P=0.000)均相关。进一步多元线性回归分析显示,阅读视力、性别、文化程度和阅读习惯与阅读速度显著相关(β=-283.312、28.303、-37.700、-45.505,P=0.000、0.022、0.019、0.023)。2016年9月至2018年8月共征集AMD患者22例。其中,男性16例,女性6例;平均年龄(77.4±8.2)岁;阅读速度中位数为118字/min。与正常视力老年人比较,其年龄更大(t=-4.285,P=0.000),男性比例更高(χ2=3.981,P=0.046),阅读视力更差(t=-6.176,P=0.000),阅读速度显著降低(t=-5.719,P=0.000)。AMD患者阅读速度与双眼最佳远、近视力和阅读视力、对比敏感度相关(r=-0.771、-0.805、-0.776、0.511,P=0.000、0.000、0.000、0.015);与年龄(r=0.021,P=0.926)、性别(Z=-0.382,P=0.703)无关。结论正常视力中老年人阅读速度随年龄增长呈下降趋势,阅读视力较远视力是更好的预测阅读能力的指标;AMD患者阅读视力显著降低,阅读速度显著下降,视功能损伤程度是影响其阅读速度的主要因素。

  • 标签: 黄斑变性 中年人 老年人 阅读速度
  • 简介:  【摘要】目的 探讨并分析对老年高血压合并急性心梗患者实施综合护理干预的效果。方法 此次研究的对象是选择 2017年 1月~ 2019年 12月在本院接受治疗的老年高血压合并急性心梗患者 84例,将其临床资料进行回顾性分析,并随机平均分成两组,对照组 42例接受常规护理干预,观察组 42例接受综合护理干预,比较效果。结果 观察组住院时间为( 13.56±4.12)天,并发症发生率为 7.14%,对照组分别为( 21.58±5.19)天、 19.05%。结论 综合护理干预能够更明显改善老年高血压合并急性心梗患者的预后,值得进行广泛应用。    【关键词】老年高血压;急性心梗;综合护理干预;预后     [Abstract] Objective To explore and analyze the effect of comprehensive nursing intervention on elderly patients with hypertension and acute myocardial infarction. Methods 84 elderly patients with hypertension and acute myocardial infarction who were treated in our hospital from January 2017 to December 2019 were selected for this study. The clinical data were analyzed retrospectively and randomly divided into two groups, 42 cases in the control group received routine nursing intervention, 42 cases in the observation group received comprehensive nursing intervention, and the results were compared. Results the hospitalization time of the observation group was (13.56 ± 4.12) days, the incidence of complications was 7.14%, and that of the control group was (21.58 ± 5.19) days and 19.05%, respectively. Conclusion comprehensive nursing intervention can significantly improve the prognosis of elderly patients with hypertension and acute myocardial infarction, and it is worth to be widely used.

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  • 简介:【摘要】目的:探究医护一体合理化老年综合评估方式在老年共病患者中的护理效果 。方法:将 2018 年 3 月~ 2020 年 3 月期间本院接收的 80 例老年共病患者作为研究对象,根据单盲分组法将其分成两个组别(参照组和干预组),参照组患者接受常规的护理干预,干预组在常规护理基础上应用医护一体合理化老年综合评估方式对患者进行干预,比较两组患者的护理效果 。 结果:干预组患者护理满意度为 90.0% ,参照组患者护理满意度为 70.0% ,两组数据对比存在显著的差异,( P < 0.05 ) 。结论:老年共病患者经医护一体合理化老年综合评估方式的干预,其护理满意度显著提升,值得大力推荐 。

  • 标签: 医护一体合理化 老年综合评估 老年共病 护理 护理满意度
  • 简介:摘要 : 目的 : 全科护理对老年慢性肺结核患者所造成的生活质量影响分析 。 方法: 时间对象选取 2018 年 1 月 ~2019 年 1 月我院肺科 84 例老年慢性肺结核 患者 ,随机通过电脑进行分类,使之为两组人数相同的研究组和对照组,分别对各 42 人的研究组和对照组使用全科护理、常规护理 ,最后对两组患者的生活质量进行分析。 结果: 两组患者两以上的生活质量分别为 73.81% 和 61.90% ,明显在实际上有着较大的差异,因此两者之间存在差异性 ( P<0.05 )。 结论: 在老年慢性肺结核患者的护理方面 , 相对于常规护理对患者进行的服务 ,全科护理显然在心里和其他方面有着更多的考量,因此对于患者的生活质量有着更好的改善作用,这也就值得进行临床老年慢性肺结核全科护理应用。

  • 标签: 老年疾病 心理问题 慢性肺结核 生活质量
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