Multi-modal metaphors and metaphors in integrity public welfare comics

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Multi-modal metaphors and metaphors in integrity public welfare comics



Abstract: As an important cognitive mechanism for human beings, metaphors and metaphors exist not only in the language mode, but also in the modes of images, sounds, and actions. Public service print advertisements are composed of multiple symbol systems such as images and languages working together to build meaning, which is a typical multimodal discourse. Based on the theory of multimodal metaphor and metaphor, this paper takes six integrity public welfare print advertisements as examples, identifies the multimodal metaphors and metaphors among them, analyzes the overall significance of multimodal metaphors and metaphors involving multimodal discourses, and reveals the social reality significance of integrity public welfare print advertisements.

Key words: multimodal metaphor ; Multimodal metonymy; welfare comics

1. Introduction

As an important way of knowing human beings, metaphors and metaphors are widely present in our daily lives. Public service advertisements usually use one thing or phenomenon to illustrate another, and sometimes replace abstract things with concrete and related things. The related research of metaphors and metaphors has also changed from single-mode text mode research to multimodal discourse research that combines modal symbols such as words, images, sounds, and colors. Public welfare print advertisements mainly use two modes of text and image to construct meaning and convey information, which belongs to the typical multimodal discourse. With the help of various resources such as words and images, the public interest print advertisement for honest government uses artistic means to reveal the essence and consequences of corrupt behavior, and disseminate the party and state concept of honest government and the determination to fight corruption, with a view to achieving the role of warning and enlightenment.

2. Integrity public welfare cartoons and their multimodal metaphors and metaphors

Since the Eighteenth National Congress, the PARTY Central Committee has continuously strengthened the building of a sound party style and a clean administration and the anti-corruption struggle. Anti-corruption publicity is also increasingly taking the form of multimodal forms, with a view to strengthening public concern and prevention of corrupt acts. Honest government public welfare print advertisements have become more and more popular and loved by the public by virtue of their short and concise length structure, exquisite creative ideas and heartfelt performance effects.

3. Multimodal metaphorical and metaphorical analysis of integrity public welfare comics

3.1 Multimodal metaphorical and metaphorical analysis of corrupt practices

In today's society, people often use the term "kick the ball" to describe the unclear responsibilities of government functional departments, mutual blame, and inefficient work. Figure 1 uses two modes of thinking, multimodal metaphor and metaphor. The image modality uses ancient official uniforms (official hats, official robes, and official boots) to metaphorically refer to officials, that is, to identify the officials themselves with the characteristics of the ancient officials' conspicuous clothing, and the two modes of image and text work together to construct a multimodal metaphorical expression "Officials blame each other like a World Cup match." In this metaphor, the source domain is a World Cup match, the destination domain is officials prevaricating at each other, and the notable structural features in the source domain include: football; player; catching and passing. In the process of understanding, these significant structural features of the source domain are systematically mapped to the destination domain, that is, officials blame each other in the face of problems that need to be solved in the work. Some people have said that in China's millennium feudalism, the most "secret" of the officialdom lies in a word “push”.

3.1.1 Multimodal metaphorical and metaphorical analysis of corrupt practices: Figure 1 Bureaucratic World Cup (II)

Multi-modal metaphorical and metaphorical analysis of anti-corruption measures Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the construction of party style and clean government and the anti-corruption struggle have continued to advance in depth, and remarkable achievements have been made. Under the new situation, the party and the government have adopted more scientific, rigorous, and effective measures, such as: transparent anti-corruption, anti-corruption of responsibility, anti-corruption of luxury, anti-corruption of the rule of law, anti-corruption of the Internet, and so on, and continue to carry out the building of party style and clean government and the anti-corruption struggle. The following will analyze two public service print advertisements with the theme of anti-corruption and clean government initiatives, and analyze the related multimodal metaphors and metaphorical phenomena and their pragmatic meanings.

3.1.2 Multimodal metaphorical and metaphorical analysis of corrupt practices: Figure 2 Want to refuse to return the favor

“Anti-corruption and clean government construction”is an important concept put forward in the report of the Seventeenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, aiming to elevate the anti-corruption and clean government work to a more prominent position. Drawing on the derogatory image of rats in traditional Chinese culture, Figure 3 uses a combination of text and image modes to construct two conceptual metaphors; "anti-corruption and honesty are building high walls" and "corrupt officials are rats.". Among them, there are the following similarities between the source and purpose domains of the metaphor: Party discipline and inner-Party rules are iron walls; construction workers are law enforcement personnel of discipline inspection commissions at all levels within the Party; corrupt elements are addicted to embezzling state property, seizing non-pided property, and destroying the country, just like rats like to steal ill-gotten gains and endanger mankind, and the nature and consequences of the two are very similar, that is, endangering society and harming the people.


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