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500 个结果
  • 简介:or through a comic-strip panel. All kinds of ads can use this body copy,Advertisers use the narrative copy to tell a story. It often sets up a problem and then creates a solution using the particular sales features of the product or service. It may then suggest that the audiences use the same solution if they have that problem. Service advertisements are often written in this . For instance,is used in almost 80% the service advertisements. Institutional copy is often used to sell an idea or the merits of the organization or service rather than sales features of a particular product. Often institutional copy is also narrative in because it lends warmth to the organization. Banks

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  • 简介:the body copy is a logical continuation of the headline and subheads. It is also where the sale is closed. The body copy should relate to the campaign appeal and to the reader’s self-interest,or through a comic-strip panel. All kinds of ads can use this body copy,headlines of technical equipment ads mean to attract readers by displaying the unknown information of a product. 

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  • 简介:1.ever意为“曾经”,常用于一般疑问句中。例如:HaveyoueverbeentoBeijing?你曾经到过北京吗?【拓展】1)ever用于条件句和否定句中,表示“任何时候、无论何时”。例如:

  • 标签: 要点归纳 讲解 EVER 一般疑问句 HAVE 否定句
  • 简介:[题目阐述]下面这段文字出自一位高三学生的随笔。读过之后,请谈谈你对生活的认识、理解和思考。要求写出自己的真实感受。

  • 标签: 材料作文 作文题 高三学生
  • 简介:01魅惑猫眼性感而具魅惑的洗练感觉打造不羁个性性感独立的ChristmasPartyQueen秋天感觉的洗练颜色,充满女性柔美。饰有流苏的披肩质地给人硬朗的感觉;本季流行的性感豹纹短裙演绎叛逆与不羁感觉,西部风情的长筒靴使整体完整地画上句号。

  • 标签: 感觉 女性 长筒靴 性感 演绎 质地
  • 简介:牵着孩子走、学坐、学走……这些都是再平常不过的事。不过,正是在这些平平常常的、每天都要做的事情当中,有一些习惯和动作,会令宝宝的骨骼受到伤害。现在,让我们随着宝宝的成长过程一起来找找,哪些动作、哪些做法是需要避免的。

  • 标签: 保护骨骼
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