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7 个结果
  • 简介:Currently,therearefourcategoriesofcomplementaryandalternativemedicine(CAM)intheUnitedStatesofAmerica:1)about80CAMschools,3""-,4yearprogramfocusingonacupunctureandherbalmedicine;4""5yearprogramforchiropractic.2)64%oftheUSmedicalschoolsofferCAMcourses,suchasacupuncture,chiropractic,herbalmedicineandhomeopathy.HarvardMedicalSchoolhasbeenofferingCAMfor9years.

  • 标签: 临床内科学 CAM 针刺疗法 中医药疗法
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:The cancer burden in the United States of America (USA) has decreased gradually. However, China is experiencing a transition in its cancer profiles, with greater incidence of cancers that were previously more common in the USA. This study compared the latest cancer profiles, trends, and determinants between China and USA.Methods:This was a comparative study using open-source data. Cancer cases and deaths in 2022 were calculated using cancer estimates from GLOBOCAN 2020 and population estimates from the United Nations. Trends in cancer incidence and mortality rates in the USA used data from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results program and National Center for Health Statistics. Chinese data were obtained from cancer registry reports. Data from the Global Burden of Disease 2019 and a decomposition method were used to express cancer deaths as the product of four determinant factors.Results:In 2022, there will be approximately 4,820,000 and 2,370,000 new cancer cases, and 3,210,000 and 640,000 cancer deaths in China and the USA, respectively. The most common cancers are lung cancer in China and breast cancer in the USA, and lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in both. Age-standardized incidence and mortality rates for lung cancer and colorectal cancer in the USA have decreased significantly recently, but rates of liver cancer have increased slightly. Rates of stomach, liver, and esophageal cancer decreased gradually in China, but rates have increased for colorectal cancer in the whole population, prostate cancer in men, and other seven cancer types in women. Increases in adult population size and population aging were major determinants for incremental cancer deaths, and case-fatality rates contributed to reduced cancer deaths in both countries.Conclusions:The decreasing cancer burden in liver, stomach, and esophagus, and increasing burden in lung, colorectum, breast, and prostate, mean that cancer profiles in China and the USA are converging. Population aging is a growing determinant of incremental cancer burden. Progress in cancer prevention and care in the USA, and measures to actively respond to population aging, may help China to reduce the cancer burden.

  • 标签: Cancer Incidence Mortality Trends Aging China USA
  • 简介:Artificialfacialnerveprosthesesarethoughttorestoreeye-closedfunctioninperipheralfacialparalysispatients.Atpresent,however,thereisnoadequatequantitativeorqualitativeinformationregardingmyoelectricsignal(MES)featuresforhealthyorbicularisoculimuscle(OOM).ThepresentstudyanalyzedMESfeaturesofnormalOOMinrabbitsduringthenaturalcontinuouseye-opening(N1)state,naturalcontinuouseye-closing(N2)state,naturalblink(N3)state,andevokedeye-closing(E)stateaccordingtotimedomainandfrequencydomainanalysis.ResultsshowedthatOOMelectricalactivitiesinN1andN2states,aswellasmyoelectricamplitude,werelowandstable.Nevertheless,duringN3andEstates,OOMelectricalactivitiesweresignificantlyincreasedandamplitudewasmuchhigherintheEstatethanintheN3state.Inthetimedomain,differencesinMESpeakabsolutepotentialwerenotsignificantbetweenN1andN2states.Inthefrequencydomain,differencesinpowerspectraldensitypeakfrequencyofelectromyogramsignalsweresignificantbetweentwosetsoffourOOMmovementstates.TheseresultssuggestthatOOMsignificantlycontractsandinduceseyelid-closingaction.Inaddition,OOMisdiastolicduringtheN1state.AN2statedoesnotrequirecontinuousintensiveOOMcontraction.Moreover,distinctionsofquantitativeinformationintimeandfrequencydomainfeaturesofMEScanbeusedasanOOMreferencetoidentifymusclemovementpatterns.

  • 标签: 运动状态 肌电信号 数量特征 讯号 频域特征 OOM
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  • 简介:瞄准:为了学习流行和风险因素,与人的免疫不全与三倍的感染联系了在一张城市的诊所人口的病毒(HIV)/hepatitisB(HBV)/hepatitisC病毒(HCV)。方法:5639个病人的回顾的图表评论在纽约城市里在圣卢凯斯鲁塞韦尔特医院HIV诊所(全面照顾的中心)列在后面,从1999年1月的美国到2007年5月。下列人口统计的特征被分析:年龄,性别,种族和HIV冒因素的风险。多重逻辑回归分析被执行在这些病毒的获得上评估人口统计的因素的影响。结果:HIV/HBV,HIV/HCV和HIV/HBV/HCV感染在252/5639(4.47%)被检测,1411/5639(25.02%)和89/5639(1.58%)病人分别地。HIV/HBV合作感染与男性被联系(或1.711;P=0.005),黑色跑(或2.091;P<0.001),人与\O性交人(MSM)(或1.747;P=0.001),静脉内的药使用(IDU)(或0.114;P<0.001),IDU和异性爱的活动(或0.247;P=0.018),或未知(或1.984;P=0.004)。HIV/HCV合作感染与男性被联系(或1.241;P=0.011),黑色跑(或0.788;P=0.036),MSM(或0.565;P<0.001),IDU(或8.956;P<0.001),IDU和异性爱的活动(或9.106;P<0.001),IDU和MSM(或9.179;P<0.001),或输送(或3.224;P<0.001)。HIV/HBV/HCV合作感染与男性被联系(或2.156;P=0.015),IDU(或6.345;P<0.001),IDU和异性爱的活动(或9.731;P<0.001),IDU和MSM(或9.228;P<0.001),或未知(或4.219;P=0.007)。结论:我们的学习证明有HBV/HCV/HIV的合作感染显著地与IDU被联系。这些结果加亮需要加强教育和综合照顾的最佳的模型,特别地为有IDU的人口,到减少病毒的传播的风险。

  • 标签: 人体免疫缺陷病毒 人口统计学 乙肝 丙肝
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:China and the United States (US) ranked first and third in terms of new liver cancer cases and deaths globally in 2020. Therefore, a comprehensive assessment of trends in the incidence of primary liver cancer with four major etiological factors between China and the US during the past 30 years with age-period-cohort (APC) analyses is warranted.Methods:Data were obtained from the Global Burden of Disease 2019, and period/cohort relative risks were estimated by APC modeling from 1990 to 2019.Results:In 2019, there were 211,000 new liver cancer cases in China and 28,000 in the US, accounting for 39.4% and 5.2% of global liver cancer cases, respectively. For China, the age-standardized incidence rate (ASIR) consecutively decreased before 2005 but increased slightly since then, whereas the ASIR continuously increased in the US. Among the four etiological factors of liver cancer, the fastest reduction in incidence was observed in hepatitis B virus-related liver cancer among Chinese women, and the fastest increase was in nonalcoholic steatosis hepatitis (NASH)-related liver cancer among American men. The greatest reduction in the incidence of liver cancer was observed at the age of 53 years in Chinese men (-5.2%/year) and 33 years in Chinese women (-6.6%/year), while it peaked at 58 years old in both American men and women (4.5%/year vs. 2.8%/year). Furthermore, the period risks of alcohol- and NASH-related liver cancer among Chinese men have been elevated since 2013. Simultaneously, leveled-off period risks were observed in hepatitis C viral-related liver cancer in both American men and women.Conclusions:Currently, both viral and lifestyle factors have been and will continue to play an important role in the time trends of liver cancer in both countries. More tailored and efficient preventive strategies should be designed to target both viral and lifestyle factors to prevent and control liver cancer.

  • 标签: Alcohol use-related liver cancer China Global Burden of Disease Hepatitis Hepatitis B virus Hepatitis C Incidence Liver neoplasms Life Style Middle aged Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease United States