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202 个结果
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:More and more scholars have called for the cumulative live birth rate (CLBR) of a complete ovarian stimulation cycle as a key indicator for assisted reproductive technology. This research aims to study the CLBR of the first ovarian hyperstimulation cycles and analyze the related prognosis factors that might affect the CLBR.Methods:Our retrospective study included first in vitro fertilization or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (IVF/ICSI) cycles performed between January 2013 to December 2014. A total of 17,978 couples of first ovarian hyperstimulation IVF/ICSI cycles were included. The study was followed up for 4 years to observe the CLBR. The multivariable logistic regression model was used to analyze the prognosis factor, P value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant.Results:The cumulative pregnancy rate was 58.14% (10,452/17,978), and the CLBR was 49.66% (8928/17,978). The female age was younger in the live birth group when compared with the non-live birth group (30.81 ± 4.05 vs. 33.09 ± 5.13, P < 0.001). The average duration of infertility was shorter than the non-live birth cohort (4.22 ± 3.11 vs. 5.06 ± 4.08, P < 0.001). The preliminary gonadotropin used and the total number of gonadotropin used were lower in the live birth group when compared with the non-live birth group (both P < 0.001). Meanwhile, the number of oocytes retrieved and transferrable embryos were both significantly higher in the live birth group (15.35 ± 7.98 vs. 11.35 ± 7.60, P < 0.001; 6.66 ± 5.19 vs. 3.62 ± 3.51, P < 0.001, respectively).Conclusions:The women’s age, body mass index, duration of infertility years, infertility factors, controlled ovarian hyperstimulation protocol, the number of acquired oocytes, and number of transferrable embryos are the prognosis factors that significantly affected the CLBR.

  • 标签: Cumulative live birth rates IVF ICSI Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation In vitro fertilization Intracytoplasmic sperm injection
  • 简介:在激进的前列腺切除术(RP)或外部横梁放射治疗(EBRT)以后的健康相关的quality-of-life(HRQOL)没在与疾病风险层化的关系与oncological结果一起被学习。而且,这些治疗途径的长期的结果没被学习。我们回顾地分析了在收到RP的连续病人之间的oncological结果(n=86)并且EBRT(n=76)为局部性的前列腺癌症。HRQOL和功能的结果能在62RP(79%)和54EBRT(79%)被估计在一个3年的后续时期上的病人(中部:41个月)用医药结果学习,短Form-36(SF-36)和加利福尼亚大学洛杉机前列腺癌症索引(UCLA一种总线标准)。5年的生物化学的没有前进的幸存没在RP和EBRT组之间不同为低风险(74.6%对75.0%,P=0.931)并且中间风险(61.3%对71.1%,P=0.691)病人。为高风险的病人,没有前进的幸存比在EBRT组(79.7%)在RP组(45.1%)是更低的(P=0.002)。一般HRQOL在二个组之间是可比较的。关于功能的结果,RP组比EBRT组在尿功能和不太尿的麻烦和性麻烦上报导了更低的分数(P<0.001,P<0.05并且P<0.001,分别地)。与风险层化,在RP组的低风险、中间风险的病人在EBRT组比病人报导了更差的尿功能(P<0.001为各个)。在EBRT组的高风险的病人的性功能比一样的风险RP病人的好(P<0.001)。生物化学的复发没在任何一个组与UCLA一种总线标准分数被联系。在结论,低--可以在长期的后续期间向与RP对待的中间风险的病人汇报相对减少的尿功能。病人在治疗以后的HRQOL没取决于生物化学的复发。

  • 标签: 健康相关生活质量 前列腺癌根治术 体外放射治疗 危险分层 肿瘤患者 病患结果