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(1. 沈阳建筑大学 土木工程学院,沈阳 110000 )



中图分类号:TU……  TU……..    文献标志码:A

Development of UHTCC interface bonding properties

ZHU Yuanhong1

(1. Shenyang Jianzhu University Factory, Shenyang ,College of Civil Engineering Shenyang 110000)

Abstract:This paper aims to study the shear bond strength between concrete and ultra-high toughness cement-based composite (UHTCC). The influencing factors include the type of interface treatment agent, the strength of existing concrete, the surface treatment of base and the surface treatment of prefabricated UHTCC. The results show that the adhesive primer and binder can improve the interfacial bonding strength, and the shear bonding strength of polymer modified materials is the highest. The strength of the existing concrete has a certain impact on the bond. The surface treatment of the substrate is also an important factor, which has a great impact on the shear bond strength..

Keywords: UHTCC;Interface bonding strength; Shear bond strength; Polymer modified materials


为解决混凝土其脆性大、抗拉强度小、抗冲击能力低、易开裂等问题,V.C.Li开发了一种新型胶凝材料-超高韧性水泥基复合材料(UHTCC)。UHTCC拉伸应变不低于3%,偶尔能够达到8% 。拉伸延性通常比素混凝土和普通纤维增强混凝土高约150-300倍。与金属材料一样,UHTCC具有非常突出的应变硬化性能。

在新到旧的修补系统中,修补材料是最直接影响粘结强度的因素。Emberson和Mays [1]报告称,聚合物改性水泥材料是一种良好的修补材料。Li[2]指出,底漆是新老混凝土过渡区的重要因素。He [3]进行了斜剪和弯曲试验,发现SBR改性水泥浆底漆的粘结效果最好。近年来,人们对既有混凝土和修补材料强度的影响进行了研究。

Austin等人[4]报告称,对于拉伸粘合试验和剪切粘合试验,当基材表面足够坚固时,粘合强度随表面粗糙度的增加而增加。Fiebrich [5]指出,混凝土基材的高表面粗糙度并不总是能够增强既有混凝土和砂浆层之间的粘附性。拉伸粘结强度随着粗糙度振幅的增加而增加。Momayeza等人[6]指出,基材的粗糙表面处理可提高粘合强度。






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[2] G.Y. Li, A new way to increase the long-term bond strength of new-to-old concrete by the use of fly ash, Cem. Concr. Res. 33 (2003) 799–806.

[3] W. He, The Research on the Interfacial Bond Strength of New-To-Old Concrete (in Chinese), Hunan university, Changsha, 2004.

[4] S. Austin, P. Robins, Y.G. Pan, Shear bond testing of concrete repairs[J], Cem. Concr. Res. 29 (7) (1999) 1067–1076.

[5] M.H. Fiebrich, Influence of the surface roughness on the adhesion between concrete and gunite mortars overlays, in: F. Wittmann (Ed.) Proceedings of the 2nd Bolomey Workshop, Adherence of young and old Concrete.Unterengstringen, Switzerland. Aedification Verlag, 1994.

[6] A. Momayez, M.R. Ehsani, A.A. Ramezanianpoura, H. Rajaiea, Comparison of methods for evaluating bond strength between concrete substrate and repair materials, Cem. Concr. Res. 35 (4) (2005) 748–757.
