关注故事主角 叩响故事前奏——浅谈小学英语故事教学取点导入法

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关注故事主角 叩响故事前奏——浅谈小学英语故事教学取点导入法


三明市大田县城关第二小学 福建 三明 366100




  1. 故事教学的内涵和意义











每一个故事都围绕“who, when, where, what”而展开。其中,故事主角的一言一行和情感的变化是读者最为关注的。笔者认为,关注故事主角,可以叩响故事前奏。


以《Module8 Unit 1 Is it a monster?》为例,本课是外研社小学英语新课标三年级起点第一册第8模块的第一单元。课标要求学生能在图片和动作的提示下听懂简单的小故事并做出适当的反应,能在图片的帮助下读懂简单的小故事,能看懂语言简单的英语动画片,能做简单的角色扮演。在热身活动后,首先展示ball,book, schoolbag,dog,cat的相关图片,并问学生“What’s this?”,最后展示一个猫型的风筝和怪物的图片,怪物风筝作为重要线索,架起了故事发展的桥梁,也成了教师设计导入的抓手。整堂课围绕风筝展开,新授完后并马上以“我是小模王”和“我是小画家”的游戏进行巩固,通过这个环节学习,以夸张的声音和肢体语言来表现生词,收到良好的效果。

  1. 从关键人物入手,导入故事教学

学生不仅对故事充满期待,对故事中的人物也充满了好奇和期待。还是以《Module8 Unit 1 Is it a monster?》为例,课文通过Sam和朋友在户外玩风筝,而风筝的图案吸引了路过的小朋友,他们通过“Is it a …?—Yes, it is./ No,it isn’t.”来猜测那是什么东西。当认为是monster时,吓得抱头大喊“help”,这时,Sam从树后面出来,那两个小朋友也看清楚了原来是kite,而不是monster. 整个故事都围绕着“kite”,更确切地说应该是一个“monster kite”而展开,从主人公的疑惑到惊吓到解惑,一波三折。


Step 1 Warming up

1 . Sing a song: Please stand up.

2. Free talk T: All of you can sing it very well. So I want to give you a present. Look, there are 2 presents. What’s the difference?

(guide the students to say one is new, and the other is old.)

T:(show the word card new) new, n-n-new.( read it one by one.) T: Listen carefully and guess, what' s in the present?

(T plays the sound of cat.)

Ss: Cat…

T: You are so clever! It is a cat! Miao miao miao…How many cats are there in the box?Can you guess?


T: Let’s count together. 1, 2, 3...There are 4 cats. OK, now I will pide you into 4 groups. Let’s have a match to see which group can eat the fish. OK?

Step 2 Presentation

T: Now, look, so many presents. ( shows presents on the PPT) What’s in the box? Do you want to know ? If we don’ t know, we can say “I don t know.”

(T shows the card “I don’t know.”) OK! Now let’s guess: What’s in the box? First , let’s learn it together “Is it a…?” ( T writes it on the blackboard, and practice this sentence.)

T: You read it so loudly. Look, this present is from Daming. Is it a pencil? Is it a…? (guide the Ss to use “ Is it a…?” to ask.)

S1: Is it a pen?

T: Yes,it is. (T writes “Yes, it is.” on the blackboard.)

(T makes Ss guess Daming and Ms Smart’s presents. This is easy for them

T: This present is from Amy, Can you guess?(This is a little difficult for them to guess)

T: OK. Let’s see together.Wow, it's a kite! ( T shows the word card and teach the word)

T: Look, so many kites. dog kite, cat kite, bird kite and…Look, this is a monster kite, (T

Teaches “monster” if we see a monster, we should cry “help”!

T: Now, Let' s play a game: magic eyes! Whose has got a magic eyes? Read the word you see, but if you see a monster , you should cry “ help”, clear?

T:All of you have a magic eyes! Today , Sam takes his kite to the park, and an interesting thing happened, let' s go and have a look!

(T plays the CD-ROM for the first time.)

T: Now, listen again, find “ls it…?” and underline How many “ Is it a …? ” Can you find?

SS: 3

T: Good! Can you read it?

T: Now show me your finger, listen and point, and read after the CD-ROM. Pay attention to the pronunciation.

Step 3 Practice

T:(show the box) Look, Is it a pen?... Now, I put them in the box, please choose and guess, using "Is it a…?"and the whole class help him to guess out by answering “Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.” clear?

Step 4 Consolidation

T: Let’s see what we have learned today.

Step 5 Homework

Play a guessing game with your friends, using the sentences.

Pattern: Is It a…? Yes, it is. / No, it isn't.





