COVID-19 outbreak新冠肺炎疫情

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COVID-19 outbreak 新冠肺炎疫情


山西省运城市夏县庙前镇张郭店村 山西省 运城市 044 4 00

Abstract: The sudden COVID-19 epidemic has brought a great impact on the lives and lives, now is the most critical moment to fight the epidemic, who relax is the indulgence of the epidemic, some countries, regardless of the epidemic, not afraid of the epidemic, in such a severe situation, many people on the streets, anti-epidemic, strict control of the epidemic. Adhere to holding large-scale festival activities, coupled with the hospital was overwhelmed and overcrowded, the serious shortage of medical equipment, respirator, oxygen, accelerated the spread of COVID-19 epidemic. Many countries have reported the discovery of mutated viruses, the spread of the epidemic has not increased, and the disease The speed and infection of poison transmission have been significantly enhanced, the epidemic prevention and control in countries around the world is not optimistic, and the COVID-19 epidemic has spread to almost the whole world.

Key words: Effective measures against COVID-19

In the hospital, people are scared, work in fear, you have to reuse disposable masks, look after different patients, the day is over, we are exhausted, we do maximum protection, but we can still get COVID-19, health care staff risk work, and nervous flow. In the degree of protection and safety, the control is lower than usual. It is stressful for paramedics and I have to tell them that you may not be higher in protection today than yesterday, but you have to accept that. We must wait until the epidemic passes a day. We have to look at each other in the eyes of our nurses and colleagues, and then tell each other, We have done my best, I cry at home, the next day to work, the hospital overwhelmed, everywhere, patients, subsequent patients can only be placed outside, if afraid to yourself and colleagues, not many moments in life, is when you must do when, if we are not here today, what to do the doctor? Medical equipment is seriously lacking, including even the most basic supplies. Paramedics are on the verge of collapse and facing the darkest moments of your career, you see all the feet here, confirmed patients, 13 people have died a day and more are dying Edge. Doctors tearful explain why remove the respirator for patients over 65 and shut it off for them dead because there is not enough respirator for all and just want to give the younger. We have a responsibility to our country and the elderly. We cannot let them, die in this worthless way. Very difficult! The cruel reality treats nurses and doctors, no protective materials, no location, no places, no respirators, many patients who hold them by the hands and do not want to die. Eight more patients have died, just died, and five others are improving, and they may survive, but they may not. The Patient's need for oxygen, Unlike food and water, no food and water can last for a few hours, but without oxygen, a few minutes, the oxygen supply as a lifeline, is seriously insufficient. The grief in my heart is unspeakable, we really hate, we are rescuers, not murderers, many young people die because of oxygen, we will not pick up patients, because I don't want to see patients die in front of me. So they can only go to other hospitals that have oxygen. Many patients cannot be resettled, can only wait to die, the number of deaths continues to increase, the crematorium is overwhelmed, the park is urgently transformed, the body is burned. Fulfeeling fragile follow, to many people People, life and life have brought a great impact. A female nurse eyes with tears begging everyone: stay at home, don 't go out, don' t mess to the country, don't do so, the disaster has begun, the disaster is really very serious, the hospital no beds, not enough medical staff, no ventilator, no oxygen, no protective materials, you look now, I now, worked for 10 hours, have a good look at my face, and my tears, so I ask you, honestly stay at home. In the severe circumstances of the epidemic, people from many countries marched to the streets without masks, free and fearless The epidemic, ignoring the epidemic, protested the closure of the city and opposed the strict control of the epidemic. And violence with the police, the scene was in chaos, arson, shooting, tear gas, racial issues … Still large festival activities held, all people are trying to abide by the scientific epidemic prevention regulations. These protests and party participants really have no sense of responsibility, and have brought great resistance to the epidemic prevention and control. The epidemic is intertwined, the virus is spreading, and the danger is increasing. As of June 1,2021, about 170 million people have been confirmed worldwide and about 3.55 million deaths. The numbers are still changing, but they are still preventable and controllable. We can Slow down the spread of the virus, prevent infection, and save lives.

Epidemic is command, prevention and control is responsibility, Party committees and governments at all levels must be in accordance with the CPC Central Committee decision deployment, comprehensive mobilization, comprehensive deployment, comprehensively strengthen the work, the people's life safety and health in the first place, the epidemic prevention and control work, as the most important work to grasp, as long as firm confidence, solidarity, scientific prevention and control, precise Ce. We will certainly be able to effectively control the epidemic. In the face of the COVID-19 epidemic and the serious situation of accelerating the spread, we should have a deep understanding of the importance and urgency of COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control. Leading Party and government officials at all levels give timely voice and guidance, timely grasp the epidemic and take timely action Especially in Hubei and Wuhan, the epidemic prevention and control concerns the overall situation. Hubei Province should take the epidemic prevention and control as the top priority, take stricter measures, prevent proliferation and export, resolutely prevent the epidemic, and ensure the material supply of Hubei and Wuhan to ensure the people and normal basic life. We will spare no effort to treat infected patients, scientifically prevent and control them in an orderly manner and in a legal manner, and release the epidemic in a timely, accurate manner and in an open and transparent manner. Responding to the concern of the people at home and abroad. The occurrence of COVID-19 immediately attracted the great attention of the Chinese government and the medical expert group, and put the prevention and control and the spread of the epidemic first, after COVID and medical experts: COVID-19 is a respiratory disease, infectious and air-borne virus. The Wuhan Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters in Hubei Province issued a notice, blocking Wuhan, and while blocking Wuhan, it decided to build Mount Vulcan and Mount Thor Hospital. The vigorous 4,200 people worked day and night in just 20 days and began to receive patients. More than 40,000 medical staff across China have helped Wuhan, Hubei Province, racing against time and caring for their lives. In only about two months, the epidemic was effectively controlled. In this most beautiful retrograde, the people of Wuhan, Hubei Province know the general, the overall situation, not afraid of Difficult and dangerous, tenacious, consciously obey the epidemic prevention and control, and take the initiative to participate in the epidemic prevention and control. It is because of the sacrifice and dedication of wuhan wuhan people, with the hubei wuhan people insist and efforts, today the positive epidemic prevention and control situation, medical workers, without hesitation, day and night, the people's PLA commanders, heard, dare to fight, the people, unity, help, police, disease control staff, community workers, stick to the post, day and night on duty. Journalists braved the difficulties, go deep into the front line, volunteers sincere dedication, tirelessly. Relevant Party and state departments and the CPPCC, and the People's organizations take the initiative to take responsibility. People from all walks of life, compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, overseas Chinese and international friends have donated money and materials and made great contributions to the prevention and control of the epidemic. In the prevention and control of the epidemic, the Chinese people have demonstrated Chinese strength, spirit, efficiency, and the hard efforts of the Chinese people have won precious time for the prevention and control of the epidemic among people around the world. During this time, the epidemic has spread in many countries, in a worrying form. On the one hand, China has done a good job in its own domestic epidemic prevention and control, and on the other hand, it should help the international community as much as possible. The international community should step up its action to effectively carry out international cooperation in joint prevention and control. Effective control of epidemic prevention To control and spread of the epidemic, China is ready to share its experience in epidemic prevention and control with relevant countries and carry out joint research and development of drugs and vaccines. The epidemic has spread around the world and needs the joint response of the international community. China adheres to the concept of a community with a shared future, and provides medical assistance to more than 100 countries where the epidemic has spread. With a huge population base and a tight supply of vaccine, China has provided 350 million doses of vaccine to the international community, showing its image of a responsible major country. He has made significant contributions to the global fight against the epidemic. Any false, conspiracy, threat, and inpidual politicians slander China's anti-epidemic campaign for their own purpose What is the intention of force? His remarks are unfactual and untenable. Now the Chinese people have been organized, can not provoke, if upset, it is not easy to do. China has become a model of effective fighting the epidemic and is highly praised by the international community. Human beings is a community of life. The international community must establish a sense of a community with a shared future for mankind. People of all countries should unite as one and help each other, overcome Times, cope with the COVID-19 epidemic and build a better home for the earth.

Author introduction: Huang Pengpeng, pen name: exuberant forest. Male year was born in March 1983.

Native place: Zhangguodian Village, Miaoqian Town, Xia County, Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province, China. Research direction: Politics.

