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  • 简介:摘要目的对比研究疤痕子宫再次妊娠二次剖宫产与非疤痕子宫剖宫产的临床效果。方法本次研究对象为2013年1月~2013年12月在我院进行剖腹产手术的481例产妇,其中疤痕子宫再次妊娠二次剖宫产产妇189例作为观察组,并选取同期住院的非疤痕子宫剖宫产分娩产妇292例作为对照组,并对比分析2组的相关手术指标及术后情况。结果经统计分析得出,剖宫产仍是疤痕子宫再次妊娠二次分娩的主要方式,社会因素为其主要原因,2组的差异具备统计学意义(P<0.05),在2组的脐带绕颈及产程进展异常对比方面,对照组明显高于观察组(P<0.05),在术中出血量、产后出血、手术时间及产后恶露时续时间方面,观察组明显高于对照组(P<0.05),在子宫破裂率对比方面,观察组明显高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论经我院研究得出,相比于非疤痕子宫妊娠分娩,显然疤痕子宫再次妊娠二次剖宫分娩的风险更高,剖宫产风险较高,基于此,对于无指征的患者不宜进行剖宫产

  • 标签: 分娩 疤痕子宫 剖宫产 安全性
  • 简介:[摘要 ]:目的 观察比较疤痕子宫再次妊娠二次剖宫产与非疤痕子宫剖宫产的效果及安全性。方法 选择我院 2018年 3月 -2019年 9月收治的 42例疤痕子宫再次妊娠二次剖宫产产妇作为研究组,同期选取 42例非疤痕子宫剖宫产产妇作为对照组,对比两组产妇的临床指标以及子宫异常发生率。结果 研究组子宫异常率为 16.67%,明显高于对照组的 2.38%,差异有统计学意义( P<0.05)。与对照组比较,研究组手术时间、术中出血量、产后出血量、产后恶露持续时间均明显升高,差异有统计学意义( P<0.05)。结论 疤痕子宫再次妊娠二次剖宫产产妇的分娩风险明显高于非疤痕子宫剖腹产产妇,应当于临床中予以高度关注,并慎重选择分娩方式。

  • 标签: [ ]疤痕子宫 妊娠 剖宫产 术中出血量
  • 简介:  摘 要:目的:分析无痛分娩对降低剖宫产率的价值及对剖宫产指征的影响。方法:随机选择 2018年 1月至 2019年 12月在我院分娩的 126例产妇为例,按照入院时间先后顺序分组,先入院的 63例产妇未接受无痛分娩,为对照组,后入院的 63例产妇接受无痛分娩,为观察组。结果:观察组产妇剖宫产率为 15.87%,对照组产妇剖宫产率为 39.68%;观察组与对照组相比,剖宫产指征中社会因素指征数据对比后 P<0.05。结论:临床上采用无痛分娩措施,能够有效降低剖宫产率,并且能够减少社会因素指征引起的剖宫产,使产妇愿意接受阴道分娩。    关键词:无痛分娩 ;剖宫产率 ;剖宫产指征  Abstract: Objective: to analyze the value of painless delivery in reducing the rate of cesarean section and its influence on the indication of cesarean section. Methods: a total of 126 cases of parturient in our hospital from January 2018 to December 2019 were randomly selected. According to the time sequence of admission, 63 cases of parturient who were admitted to our hospital first did not receive painless delivery as the control group, and 63 cases of parturient who were admitted to our hospital later received painless delivery as the observation group. Results: the rate of cesarean section was 15.87% in the observation group and 39.68% in the control group. Compared with the control group, the data of social factors in the observation group were p < 0.05. Conclusion: the painless delivery can effectively reduce the cesarean section rate, and reduce the cesarean section caused by social factors, so that women are willing to accept vaginal delivery.

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  • 简介:  摘 要:目的:分析无痛分娩对降低剖宫产率的价值及对剖宫产指征的影响。方法:随机选择 2018年 1月至 2019年 12月在我院分娩的 126例产妇为例,按照入院时间先后顺序分组,先入院的 63例产妇未接受无痛分娩,为对照组,后入院的 63例产妇接受无痛分娩,为观察组。结果:观察组产妇剖宫产率为 15.87%,对照组产妇剖宫产率为 39.68%;观察组与对照组相比,剖宫产指征中社会因素指征数据对比后 P<0.05。结论:临床上采用无痛分娩措施,能够有效降低剖宫产率,并且能够减少社会因素指征引起的剖宫产,使产妇愿意接受阴道分娩。    关键词:无痛分娩 ;剖宫产率 ;剖宫产指征    Abstract: Objective: to analyze the value of painless delivery in reducing the rate of cesarean section and its influence on the indication of cesarean section. Methods: a total of 126 cases of parturient in our hospital from January 2018 to December 2019 were randomly selected. According to the time sequence of admission, 63 cases of parturient who were admitted to our hospital first did not receive painless delivery as the control group, and 63 cases of parturient who were admitted to our hospital later received painless delivery as the observation group. Results: the rate of cesarean section was 15.87% in the observation group and 39.68% in the control group. Compared with the control group, the data of social factors in the observation group were p < 0.05. Conclusion: the painless delivery can effectively reduce the cesarean section rate, and reduce the cesarean section caused by social factors, so that women are willing to accept vaginal delivery.

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  • 简介:摘要目的分析疤痕子宫再次妊娠二次剖宫产与非疤痕子宫剖宫产的临床差异。方法选择我院2013年12月-2015年12月之间收治的68剖宫产例患者作为观察对象,根据患者的实际情况分为疤痕子宫组33例、非疤痕子宫组患者35例。对两组患者的子宫情况、手术指征等进行对比。结果疤痕子宫组患者的术中出血量、术后出血量、手术之间等指标高于非疤痕子宫组,差异显著(P<0.05);同时,疤痕子宫组的子宫破裂率明显要高,差异同样具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论疤痕子宫患者二次剖宫产期间的风险明显高于非疤痕子宫患者,临床实践过程中应当严格控制手术指征,确保患者生命安全。

  • 标签: 疤痕子宫 再次妊娠 剖宫产 子宫破裂