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7 个结果
  • 简介:AbstractGestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a growing public health problem worldwide that threatens both maternal and fetal health. Identifying individuals at high risk for GDM and diabetes after GDM is particularly useful for early intervention and prevention of disease progression. In the last decades, a number of studies have used metabolomics, genomics, and proteomic approaches to investigate associations between biomolecules and GDM progression. These studies clearly demonstrate that various biomarkers reflect pathological changes in GDM. The established markers have potential use as screening and diagnostic tools in GDM and in postpartum diabetes research. In the present review, we summarize recent studies of metabolites, single-nucleotide polymorphisms, microRNAs, and proteins associated with GDM and its transition to postpartum diabetes, with a focus on their predictive value in screening and diagnosis.

  • 标签: Gestational diabetes mellitus Biomarkers Metabolomics Proteomics microRNA Single-nucleotide polymorphism
  • 简介:针刺内关.足三里.乳根和肩贞穴.温灸膻中.治疗了62例产后缺乳患者。经7次治疗.30例产妇乳汁分泌每天400mL以上.精神饱满;26例乳汁分泌每天250mL左右.需补充牛奶喂养婴儿;6例乳汁分泌无明显改善.挤压双侧乳房极少量乳汁分泌。

  • 标签: 针刺疗法 灸法 泌乳障碍
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  • 简介:AbstractThis study reported a case of spontaneous rupture of an ovarian artery aneurysm 4 days following cesarean section. The patient mainly presented with a consistent low-grade fever and did not have symptoms, such as severe abdominal or flank pain, as is common in other similar cases. Enhanced magnetic resonance imaging revealed a massive retroperitoneal hematoma; angiography confirmed that there was a rupture in an ovarian artery aneurysm. A selective embolization was performed successfully.

  • 标签: Embolization Ovarian Artery Aneurysm Pregnancy Retroperitoneal Hematoma
  • 简介:AbstractObjective:To compare the effects between carbetocin and oxytocin on reducing postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) after vaginal delivery in high risk pregnant women.Methods:A prospective double-blinded randomized study was conducted in the Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital from March to May 2018. Women at or beyond 28 gestational weeks, cephalic presentation, 18-45 years old, and with at least one risk factor for PPH, were enrolled. Using a computer-generated randomization sequence, women were randomized to carbetocin group or oxytocin group which receive 100 μg intravenous infusion carbetocin or 10 IU intravenous infusion of oxytocin after anterior shoulder and before placental delivery. The primary outcome was the incidence of blood loss ≥500 mL within 24 hours postpartum. The secondary outcomes were amount of total blood loss, blood loss within 2 hours after delivery, the rate of blood loss ≥ 1 000 mL postpartum, need for a second-line uterotonics and interventions, blood transfusion, difference between hemoglobin before and 48 hours after delivery, adverse maternal events attributed to the trial medication. Hemodynamic status (blood pressure and pulse) was measured at 0 minutes, 30 minutes, 60 minutes, and 120 minutes after delivery.Results:A total of 314 and 310 participants constituted the carbetocin and oxytocin groups, respectively. The baseline characteristics were comparable between the groups. The carbetocin group had similar rates of PPH (blood loss ≥500 mL) and rates of ≥1 000 mL PPH, (29.6% vs. 26.8%, P= 0.48) and (3.2% vs. 3.5%, P= 0.83), to the oxytocin group. The average amount of bleeding was (422.9 ± 241.4) mL in carbetocin group and (406.0 ± 257.5) mL in oxytocin group, which was no statistically significant difference (P= 0.40). Either the amount of blood loss within 2 hours ((55.5 ± 33.9) mL vs. (59.9 ± 48.7) mL) was no statistically significant difference (P= 0.19). The need for therapeutic uterotonics was 23.9% in carbetocin group and 23.5% in oxytocin group, which was also no statistically difference (P= 0.93). The rate of blood transfusion (P= 0.62) and hemoglobin change (P= 0.07) were not differ between the carbetocin and oxytocin groups. However, the rate of manually removing placenta was significantly different between two groups regarding the need for manually remove of placenta because of uterine bleeding in the third stage of labor (4 cases in carbetocin group vs. 13 cases in oxygen group), especially in those after oxytocin-induced or augmented labor (relative risk:3.39, 95% confidence interval: 1.09-10.52). After delivery, the blood pressure in the carbetocin group tend to be lower than that in the oxytocin group (P > 0.05), especially at 30 minutes postpartum (P < 0.05), while pulse tend to be simultaneously higher (P > 0.05).Conclusion:Among women with high risk of PPH, intravenous carbetocin infusion did not better than oxytocin in the prevention of blood loss ≥500 mL after vaginal delivery.

  • 标签: Postpartum hemorrhage Carbetocin Manually remove of placenta Oxytocin Uterotonics agent Vaginal delivery
  • 简介:【摘要】目的:研究探讨综合护理干预应用在产妇分娩方式及产后出血中的影响效果。方法:研究随机挑选医院2023年1月-12月收治的100例产妇当作研究对象,并运用抽签法将产妇分成对照组及研究组,对照组实施常规护理,研究组实施综合护理,观察效果。结果:研究组自然分娩率高于对照组,且研究组产后出血量及产后出血发生率低于对照组,P<0.05。结论:综合护理干预可以有效提高产妇自然分娩率,预防产后出血。

  • 标签: 综合护理 分娩方式 产后出血 影响效果