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9 个结果
  • 简介:虽然Metro界面简洁、时尚而且有动感,但Metro应用绝不仅仅是外表的变化。从安装注册到启动运行都比以前有很大变化,本文将逐一介绍这些变化。

  • 标签: METRO 应用 启动运行
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Air pollution and poor ambient air quality are significantly related to multiple health risks. One associated disease is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a preventable disease with several contributing factors and one of the leading causes of morbidity/mortality locally and globally. A potentially high-risk population are traffic enforcers who are constantly exposed to air pollution. In the Philippines, the MMDA has the widest coverage in traffic management. The study determined the risk of COPD among Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA) traffic enforcers in relation to ambient air quality level, as well as identified other factors that increase the risk of developing COPD.Methods:Fifty-two MMDA traffic enforcers deployed in PM2.5 air quality sensor areas in Metro Manila from 2016 to 2018 were recruited through stratified sampling. The International Primary Airways Guidelines (IPAG) questionnaire was utilized to measure risk of COPD. Respiratory health and working history were obtained through questionnaires. Department of environment and natural resources provided PM2.5 ambient air quality data which aided in the construction of the Exposure-Month Index. Ordinal logistic regression was used to examine the association of PM2.5 together with the relevant factors and the risk of COPD.Results:We found statistically significant associations between PM2.5 and COPD among high risk category [odds risk (OR): 1.24, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.07-1.44]. Age (Moderate, OR: 1.16, 95% CI: 0.98-1.38 and High, OR: 10.06, 95% CI: 4.02-25.17) and chest pain (Moderate, OR: 68.65, 95% CI: 1.71-2.75 × 103) were potential risk factors, whereas body mass index (BMI) (OR: 0.05, 95% CI: 0.01-0.53) exhibited protective effect.Conclusions:Exposure to PM2.5 was associated with an increased risk of COPD among high-risk category MMDA traffic enforcers. Age and chest pain were potential risk factors to risk of COPD, whereas BMI exhibited a potential protective effect. Results of this study can be used for clinical management of high-risk populations, such that of MMDA traffic enforcers.

  • 标签: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Traffic enforcers Air pollution Occupational risk Philippines
  • 简介:庞德的《InastationoftheMetro》一诗在中国的翻译与阐释存在很多不足,甚至出现了误读。这种误读有深刻的动因:中国古典诗歌及诗论影响了庞德诗歌及诗论.这种影响反过来左右着中国读者对意象派诗歌的理解。

  • 标签: 庞德 意象派诗歌 In a STATION of
  • 简介:摘要 本文针对地铁民用通信中新建地铁的4G分布系统建设工程、新建地铁的5G分布系统建设工程、存量地铁4G升级5G改造工程中的重点难点,分别从无源器件、POI(多系统接入平台)、泄漏电缆(下文简称漏缆)等诸多方面进行分析,提出了新建地铁民用通信4G/5G覆盖和存量地铁4G升级5G的分布系统改造方案。

  • 标签: 地铁 5G POI(多系统接入平台) 5/4"漏缆 13/8"漏缆
  • 简介:全球最大的零售商之一METROGroup在其遍布德国的全部“Cash&Carry”品牌批发商店正式启用了Intermec的第二代RFID技术。从4月1日起,METROGroup的供应商已经可以向该公司付运带有第二代RFID标签的货盘。

  • 简介:为迎接2020年东京奥运会的到来,东京最主要的地铁公司东京Metro决定将目前在一部分线路提供的免费Wi-Fi服务,于2020年之前扩大到所有的线路.

  • 标签: WI-FI METRO 地铁公司 东京 免费 外国人
  • 简介:摘要:城市轨道交通是大中型城市公共交通体系的骨干力量。近年来,伴随着我国城市化进程的不断加快,国内城市轨道交通得以快速发展,在缓解交通拥堵问题、保障人民群众出行需求等方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。受轨道交通乘客密集、环境封闭等因素的制约,一旦发生应急事件,往往呈现链式或网状结构发展,对运营秩序造成严重影响。如何构建快速、有效的应急处置机制,是城市轨道交通运营管理过程中必须要面对的难点。本文结合地铁运营突发事件处置要求,从辅助一线人员开展应急处置的角度出发,研究提出了一键式多岗位联动应急处置系统的功能需求、技术方案、系统架构、场景应用等,提高现场指挥调度和应急处置能力,为保障车站、OCC、COCC等各岗位有效开展应急处置提供决策支持。

  • 标签: 地铁 突发事件 应急联动 应急处置系统