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  • 简介:摘要急性缺血性脑卒中(AIS)是中枢神经系统的危急重症。近年来,国内外学者高度重视AIS的移动卒单元前诊疗管理能力提升,缩短CT检查、诊断及溶栓治疗时间,以提高溶栓效率,改善临床结局。2019年,国家脑卒中防治工程委员会等制定了《移动卒单元中国专家共识2019》和《移动卒单元技术规范中国专家共识2019》。近3年,国内外在移动卒单元前诊疗管理领域进一步融合了5G信息和人工智能(AI)技术,在卒中院前诊疗管理理念和治疗方法上取得了显著进步,为了更好地适应其发展,指导临床实践,本指南编辑委员会在中国专家共识的基础上制定了中国5G移动卒单元前诊疗管理指南。

  • 标签: 急性缺血性脑卒中 移动卒中单元 院前管理
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  • 简介:AbstractObjective:There has been a significant shift from open craniofacial resection of the anterior skull base to endoscopic approaches that accomplish the same outcomes in tumor ablation. However, when open resection is required, free flap reconstruction is often necessary to provide sufficient well-vascularized tissue for optimal wound healing as well as providing adequate tissue bulk for cosmesis. This articleaims to providea focused review of free flaps most commonly used in anterior skull base reconstruction.Methods:This is a state-of-the-art review based on expert opinion and previously published reviews and journal articles, queried using PubMed and Google Scholar.Results & conclusion:Anterior skull base reconstruction via free tissue transfer is imperative in limiting complications and promoting healing, particularly with large defects, post-radiation, and in at-risk patients. The type of free flap utilized for a particular anterior skull base reconstruction should be tailored to the patient and nature of the disease. This review offers insight into the numerous reconstructive options for the free flap surgeon.

  • 标签: Free tissue transfer Anterior skull base Head and neck microvascular Reconstruction
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  • 简介:AbstractPurpose:Fingertip injuries are common in industrial production activities as well as in domestic work. Loss of pulp hampers daily life activities. Functional and aesthetic aspects are important in fingertip reconstruction. The bone is usually exposed along with soft tissue loss. Therefore to reconstruct the pulp flap with adequate bulk is required.Methods:We reported a case series of 12 patients with the injury over the volar aspect of distal phalanx of the index or middle finger. In all cases, laterally based thenar flap was chosen. The flap donor site was closed primarily in most of cases, while 4 patients required skin graft. The flap was detached between 2-3 weeks. Functional assessment was done using static and dynamic 2-point discrimination and range of motion at each joint. The aesthetic outcome was assessed through questionnaire. The results were analyzed using the unpaired t-test (SPSS version 21).Results:Partial necrosis occurred in 2 cases while rest of flaps survived successfully. Static 2-point discrimination ranged from 6-10 mm, mean 8.6 mm; and dynamic 2-point discrimination ranged from 8-10 mm, mean 8.9 mm. The mean satisfaction score was (4.0 ± 0.55).Conclusion:Thenar flap is a good choice for reconstruction of the finger pulp as it provides the bulk with good functional and aesthetic outcome.

  • 标签: Finger injuries Finger pulp reconstruction Thenar flap
  • 作者: 殷俊 杨永弘 李家斌
  • 学科: 医药卫生 >
  • 创建时间:2022-12-13
  • 出处:《中华实用儿科临床杂志》 2022年第21期
  • 机构:安徽医科大学第一附属医院感染病科,合肥 230022 安徽医科大学第一附属医院发热门诊,合肥 230022 安徽省细菌耐药性监控中心,合肥 230022 安徽医科大学细菌耐药研究所,合肥 230022,首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院儿科研究所,北京 100045,安徽医科大学第一附属医院感染病科
  • 简介:摘要C族链球菌(GCS)和G族链球菌(GGS)在生化反应、溶血特性、宿主物种、临床特性等方面与其他链球菌等不尽相同,人体分布上以皮肤、咽喉和女性泌尿生殖道较多见。GCS和GGS分类复杂,分类方法在过去几十年内不停地被纠正和修改。GCS和GGS暴发感染时环境因素所致可能性大,在致病力、细菌耐药特点、临床特点上与A族链球菌相似,可发生各种侵袭性感染,目前治疗仍首选青霉素。GCS和GGS的感染严重程度较其他链球菌更重。现就GCS与GGS的分类及临床特点进行阐述。

  • 标签: C族链球菌 G族链球菌 临床特征 婴儿,新生 孕妇 耐药性
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  • 简介:AbstractPurpose:To explore the significance of traditional vascular reconstruction and covered stent for limb salvage after subclavian artery injury.Methods:Patients with subclavian artery injury admitted to Beijing Jishuitan Hospital from January 2010 to December 2018 were retrospectively analyzed. All the injuries have been confirmed by intraoperative exploration, computed tomography angiography or digital subtraction angiography. Complete or partial amputation injuries were excluded. Mild artery defect or partial intimal damage was treated by inter-ventional implantation, while other patients received open surgeries, including direct suture of small defect less than 2 cm and transplantation with autologous vein or artificial blood when the defect was more than 2 cm. Patients were divided into open surgery group and stent implantation group based on the treatment they received. Patients were followed up at 2 weeks (first stage) and 6 months (second stage) after operation to investigate limb salvage. Student's t-test was used to compare the general data between two groups and Chi-square test to analyze the rate of limb salvage.Results:Altogether 50 cases of subclavian artery injury were treated, including 36 cases of open surgery and 14 cases of stent implantation. Combination of nerve injury was observed in 27 cases (75.0%) in open surgery group and 12 cases (85.7%) in stent implantation group. Amputation developed in 3 cases with open surgery and 1 case with stent implantation. Consequently the rate of successful limb salvage was respectively 91.7% (33/36) and 92.9% (13/14), revealing no significant difference (p > 0.05).Conclusion:Rapid reconstruction of blood circulation is crucial following subclavian artery injury, no matter what kinds of treatment strategies have been adopted. Interventional stent implantation can achieve a good effect for limb salvage.

  • 标签: Subclavian artery injury Vascular transplantation Covered stent
  • 简介:AbstractPurpose:Iatrogenic coracoid and clavicle fracture is a known complication of drilling bone tunnels during anatomic coracoclavicular ligament reconstruction (ACCR). This study aims to measure the dimensions of coracoid process and clavicle in an Asian population to evaluate the suitability of drilling coracoid and clavicle tunnels for ACCR in Asians.Methods:Width measurements of 196 coracoids and 189 clavicles were obtained after reviewing all computed tomography (CT) scans of the shoulder performed over a 6 years period. Coracoid measurements were made on the CT slice which showed the maximum cross sectional width of the coracoid base. Medial to lateral measurements of the coracoid width were taken on an axial view, 4 mm above the identified junction of the coracoid base and glenoid base. Antero-posterior clavicle width was measured through a point directly above the midpoint of the coracoid and perpendicular to the long axis of the clavicle.Results:The overall mean coracoid width was 14.8 mm ± 2.54 mm (range 9.2-23.3 mm) and clavicle width was 17.1 mm ± 2.72 mm (range 11.1-25.3 mm).Conclusion:The Asian coracoid process is smaller than its Western equivalent. More research is required to validate this conclusion as no cadaveric studies with equivalent measurement techniques have been performed on Asians. Given the potentially narrower dimensions of the Asian coracoid process, extra precautions are required to minimize the risk of iatrogenic coracoid and clavicle fractures.

  • 标签: Coracoclavicular ligament reconstruction Coracoid process Clavicle Width
  • 简介:摘要ObjectiveTo establish the local data on the growth of ear in Hong Kong children and provide a reference for the timing of reconstruction in unilateral microtia.MethodsWe reviewed case notes of paediatric patients up to 18 years of age who had attended our Ear, Nose and Throat Out-patient Clinic from March to November 2017. We recorded the pinna length of these patients and that of their parents, compared the patients’ ear length against that of their parents, and investigated any discrepancy of pinna.ResultsWe recruited 226 local individuals (139 males and 87 females). The patients were divided into different age groups. The means of ear length of patients were compared with the mean length of pinna of their parents. Data of boys and girls are analyzed separately. Boys at 7-8 years old achieved 87.33% and 93.54% of their fathers’ and mothers’ ear length respectively. Girls at 7-8 years old achieved 83.00% and 90.80% of their fathers’ and mothers’ ear length respectively. Moreover, the average ratio of the length of left and right ear ratio is 97.3% in all groups of children.ConclusionsIn Hong Kong children, at the age of 7-8 the ear approaches the size of normal adult ear and is the feasible age with less asymmetry after reconstruction of the microtia.

  • 标签: Microtia Ear reconstruction auricle growth Auricle discrepancy
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  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Intracranial aneurysm (IA) is a serious disease. Analyze and review the cases of anterior circulation ruptured IA by supraorbital lateral keyhole approach, and summarize the experiences of this approach.Methods:Retrospective analysis of 16 cases of ruptured anterior circulation IA in our department from January 2019 to June 2020, CT angiography (CTA) was performed before operation. Analyzing the IA's parameters by 3D-CT reconstruction. The IA was clipped by supraorbital lateral keyhole approach combined with the 3D-skull reconstruction. Extraventricular drainage was performed before craniotomy. Intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring was performed during the operation. After operation, fluorescein angiography and vascular ultrasound were performed to check the clipping effect. Intracranial pressure monitor was performed postoperatively. CTA was reexamined one week after operation. The modified Rankin Scale (MRS) was performed 6 months after operation.Results:There were 7 males (43.8%) and 9 females (56.2%), and the average age is 52.31 ± 11.12 years old. Among them, 11 patients (68.8%) were anterior communicating artery aneurysms and 5 (31.2%) were middle cerebral artery aneurysms. All patients were out of hospital within 10 days without any death, without cerebral infarction, cerebrospinal fluid leakage and neurological impairments. About mRS score, after 6 months follow-up, 8 cases (50%) had 0 point, 4 cases (25%) had 1 point, and 4 cases (25%) had 2 points.Conclusions:For ruptured anterior circulation IA, the supraorbital lateral keyhole approach combined with ventricular drainage, intraoperative electrophysiological monitoring, and intraoperative vascular ultrasound is a safe and minimally invasive treatment. The application of reconstruction clipping can reconstruct the diameter of parent vessel and reduce the recurrence rate of IA.

  • 标签: Intracranial aneurysm Subarachnoid hemorrhage Clipping
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:The use of autologous free-tissue transfer is an increasingly utilized tool in the ladder of reconstructive options to preserve and restore function in patients with head and neck cancer. This article focuses on the evidence surrounding perioperative care that optimizes surgical outcomes and describes one tertiary center's approach to standardized free-flap care.Data Sources:This article examines English literature from PubMed and offers expert opinion on perioperative free-flap care for head and neck oncology.Conclusion:Free-flap reconstruction for head and neck cancer is a process that, while individualized for each patient, is best supported by a comprehensive and standardized care pathway. Surgical optimization begins in the preoperative phase and a thoughtful approach to intraprofessional communication and evidence-based practice is rewarded with improved outcomes.

  • 标签: facial plastics and reconstruction free-flap tissue transfer head and neck oncology
  • 简介:摘要远程医疗的进步正在慢慢改变现有的医疗模式,第5代移动通信(5th generation wireless systems,5G)技术作为目前最新的通信技术,凭借其超低延时、超大连接、超快速率三大特性能够为远程医疗提供强有力的技术支持。基于5G技术的远程医疗逐渐应用于应急救援和危重患者的转运,但目前在危重新生儿前急救和转运的应用较少,该技术的应用是否优于现有模式还缺乏相关数据及研究支持。本文归纳5G技术的优势特点,分析危重新生儿前急救和转运面临的主要问题,探讨5G技术的应用价值。

  • 标签: 5G 危重新生儿 院前急救 转运 远程医疗
  • 简介:本文在研究以5G技术为核心,分析5G技术的发展,明确5G技术的主要内容,提出5G技术在4G网络的应用途径,提高4G网络的运行效率,促进4G网络的5G演进,并为相关研究人员提供一定的借鉴和帮助。

  • 标签: 5G技术 4G网络 应用场景 性能
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  • 简介:AbstractPurpose:To retrospectively analyze the clinical outcomes of meniscus repair with simultaneous anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction and explore the causes of failure of meniscus repair.Methods:From May 2013 to July 2018, the clinical data of 165 patients who were treated with meniscus surgery and simultaneous ACL reconstruction, including 69 cases of meniscus repair (repair group) and 96 cases of partial meniscectomy (partial meniscectomy group) were retrospectively analyzed. The exclusion criteria were as follows: (1) ACL rupture associated with fracture, collateral ligament injury, or complex ligament injury; (2) a history of knee surgery; or (3) a significant degree of osteoarthritis. The 69 patients in the repair group were divided into the non-failure group (62 cases) and the failure group (7 cases) depending on the repair effect. Postoperative outcomes of the repair group and the partial meniscectomy group were compared. General conditions and postoperative outcomes of the failure group and the non-failure group were compared. During the median follow-up period of 28 months (range, 4 - 65 months) after the second arthroscopy, postoperative outcomes of seven patients in the failure group were summarized. SPSS 25.0 statistical software was used for statistical analysis. A p value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant.Results:Seven patients in the failure group who underwent the second arthroscopy were followed up for (30 ± 17.4) months and their postoperative outcomes were summarized. Compared with the partial meniscectomy group, the International Knee Documentation Committee scores of patients in the repair group improved significantly (p = 0.031). Compared with the non-failure group, more patients in the failure group were younger than 24 years (p = 0.030). The median follow-up period was 39.5 months. All patients recovered well after subsequent partial meniscectomy and relieved clinical symptoms. Visual analog scale scores decreased significantly (p = 0.026), and the International Knee Documentation Committee and Lysholm scores improved significantly (p = 0.046 for both).Conclusion:The failure rate of meniscus repair in this study was 10.1% (7/69), all of which were medial meniscus tears. However, the surgical outcomes of ACL reconstruction were not affected, and there might be a role for graft protection. Therefore, meniscus retears can be successful treated by performing subsequent partial meniscectomy in patients with repair failure.

  • 标签: Meniscus Failure of repair Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction Arthroscopy
  • 简介:AbstractArthroscopic superior capsular reconstruction is an innovative technique for the irreparable rotator cuff tears, but spontaneous pneumothorax after surgery is very rare. The present case was a 66-year-old female with irreparable rotator cuff tears of the right shoulder, treated with the arthroscopic shoulder superior capsular reconstruction. The general anesthesia and operation went smoothly, but the patient experienced stuffiness in the chest and shortness of breath after recovery from anesthesia. Thoracic CT scans showed spontaneous pneumothorax in the right side, which was successfully treated by the conservative treatments (oxygen therapy) according to multidisciplinary team. Prompt and accurate early-stage diagnosis is necessary in controlling postoperative complications and standardized treatment is the key to relieve the suffering. Spontaneous pneumothorax after arthroscopic shoulder surgery has been rarely reported in previous literatures.

  • 标签: Spontaneous pneumothorax Superior capsular reconstruction Shoulder arthroscopy Rotator cuff tear
  • 简介:AbstractPurpose:To avoid potential problems of double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR), various modifications have been reported. This study analyzed a novel technique of modified double-bundle (MDB) ACLR without implant on tibial side in comparison to single-bundle (SB) ACLR.Methods:Eighty cases of isolated anterior cruciate ligament tear (40 each in SB group or MDB group) were included. SB ACLR was performed by outside in technique with quadrupled hamstring graft fixed with interference screws. In MDB group, ACLR harvested tendons were looped over each other at the center and free ends whipstitched. Femoral tunnel was created by outside in technique. Anteromedial tibial tunnel was created with tibial guide at 55°. The anatomic posterolateral aiming guide (Smith-Nephew) was used to create posterolateral tunnel. With the help of shuttle sutures, the free end of gracillis was passed through posterolateral tunnel to femoral tunnel followed by semitendinosus graft through anteromedial tunnel to femoral tunnel. On tibial side the graft was looped over bone-bridge between external apertures of anteromedial and posterolateral tunnel. Graft was fixed with interference screw on femoral side in 10° knee flexion. International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC), Tegner score, Pivot shift and knee laxity test (KLT, Karl-Storz) were recorded pre- and post-surgery. At one year magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was done. Statistical analysis was done by SPSS software.Results:Mean preoperative KLT reading of (10.00 ± 1.17) mm in MDB group improved to (4.10 ± 0.56) mm and in SB group it improved from (10.00 ± 0.91) mm to (4.80 ± 0.46) mm. The mean preoperative IKDC score in MDB group improved from (49.49 ± 8.00) to (92.5 ± 1.5) at one year and that in SB group improved from (52.5 ± 6.9) to (88.4 ± 2.6). At one-year 92.5% cases in MDB group achieved their preinjury Tegner activity level as compared to 60% in SB group. The improvement in IKDC, KLT and Tegner scale of MDB group was superior to SB group. MRI confirmed graft integrity at one year and clinically at 2 years.Conclusion:MDB ACLR has shown better outcome than SB ACLR. It is a simple technique that does not require fixation on tibial side and resultant graft is close to native ACL.

  • 标签: Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction Fracture fixation Tibia
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Recently, adjustable-loop devices (ALDs) have been widely used, and their reliability has always been the focus of attention. This study compared loop length changes under pull stress caused by flexion and extension of the cadaver knee between ALDs and fixed-loop devices (FLDs) in terms of femoral fixation after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction.Methods:ACL reconstruction in cadaveric knee joints was performed under arthroscopy with femoral suspension devices and tibial fixation by tying sutures on staples. The knee joint was repeatedly flexed and extended 30 times after fixation. According to the femoral fixation device used (Endobutton or Ultrabutton), the knee joints were divided into two groups: the ALD group (12 specimens) and the FLD group (ten specimens). The length of the loop before and after fixation was measured, and the loop length of the ALD group was re-measured 1 day after reconstruction.Results:There was no significant difference in the length of the loop between the two groups (t = 0.579, P = 0.569). One day later, the loop length of the ALDs retracted by 0.29 ± 0.33 (0-1.1) mm, and there was no retraction in three specimens.Conclusion:There was no significant difference in the loop length under flexion and extension stress after ACL reconstruction between ALDs and FLDs.

  • 标签: Adjustable loop Anterior cruciate ligament Fixed loop Reconstruction Suspensory fixation