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Contemporary Education and Teaching Research
  • 学科: 文化科学 > 教育学
  • ISSN:2737-4203(P)2737-4335(E) CN:
  • 标签: 教育
  • 简介:Contemporary Education and Teaching Research is an international scientific journalin the fields of education and teaching and related disciplines. It publishes the most complete and reliable source of information about discoveries and current development in the form of research teaching theory, experi-mental reports, etc. Experts, researchers, teachers, and administrators of schools and educationalinstitutions at all levels and teaching assistants provide a leading forum to contribute innovative new works in teaching concepts and practices.

  • 学科: 文化科学 > 教育学
  • ISSN:2095-5502 CN: 10-1118/G4
  • 标签: STEAM 投稿指南 课程 校本课程 中医药文化 中学生 人大附中
  • 简介:《创新人才教育》本刊系国家一级学术团体创新人才教育研究会的学术期刊,现为季刊,旨在研究创新人才教育的理论问题和实际问题,总结实践经验,探索客观规律,寻找改革路径,为创新人才培养提供理论指导、舆论引导和智力支持,为政府制定相关法规政策提供决策咨询和科学依据,为圆人才强国、人力资源强国梦作贡献。